Get Out

Y'all, I know this is a 2017 movie but if you have not seen it, you just have to. I could not wait for the movie to be out two years ago and when it was finally released, I guess (I know) I was among the first set of people to see it.

The movie is about an African photographer Chris Washington who reluctantly agrees to meet the family of his white girlfriend, Rose Armitage. To be perfectly honest, I guess his conscience was
telling him not to. During their drive to the family's countryside estate, they hit a deer(which totally freaked me out) and report the incident. The white policeman asks for Chris' identification even though he was not driving, but Rose intervenes and the incident goes unrecorded.

At the house, Rose's parents, neurosurgeon Dean and hypnotherapist Missy, and her brother Jeremy make discomfiting comments about black people. Chris witnesses strange behavior from the estate's black workers, housekeeper Georgina and groundskeeper Walter.
Unable to sleep, Chris goes outside to smoke and sees Walter sprinting through the grounds while Georgina prowls the house. Missy talks Chris into a hypnotherapy session, ostensibly to cure his smoking addiction. In a trance, he recounts the death of his mother in a hit-and-run when he was a child, about which he feels guilty, and sinks into a void Missy calls the "sunken place". He awakens believing he had a nightmare but realizes cigarettes now repulse him. Walter confirms that Chris was in Missy's office. Georgina unplugs his phone, draining his battery, though she claims it was an accident.

Dozens of wealthy white people arrive for the Armitages' annual get-together. They take an interest in Chris, admiring his physique or expressing admiration for black figures such as Tiger Woods. Jim Hudson, a blind art dealer, takes particular interest in Chris's photography skills. Chris meets another black man, Logan King, who acts strangely and is married to a much older white woman.
Chris calls his friend, a black TSA agent named Rod Williams, about the hypnosis and the strange behavior at the house. Chris tries to inconspicuously photograph Logan with his phone to send to Rod, but his flash goes off; Logan becomes hysterical, yelling at Chris to "get out". The others restrain him and Dean claims Logan had an epileptic seizure. Away from the house, Chris persuades Rose that they should leave, while Dean holds an auction with a photo of Chris, which Jim Hudson wins. Chris sends the photo of Logan to Rod; Rod recognizes Logan as Andre Hayworth, who has been missing for months. Suspecting a conspiracy, Rod goes to the police, but they deride him.

While Chris packs to leave, he finds photos of Rose in prior relationships with black men, contradicting her claim that Chris is her first black boyfriend; the collection also includes pictures of Rose with Walter and Georgina. Chris is blocked from leaving by the Armitage family, including Rose. He tries to attack Jeremy, but Missy hypnotizes him. He awakens strapped to a chair in the basement. A video presentation featuring Rose's grandfather Roman explains that the family transplants the brains of white people into black bodies; the consciousness of the host remains in the "sunken place", conscious but powerless, and the operation is largely painless. Hudson tells Chris he wants his body so he can gain Chris's sight and artistic talents.
Chris plugs his ears with cotton stuffing pulled from the chair, blocking the hypnosis. When Jeremy comes to collect him for the surgery, Chris bludgeons him with a croquet ball; seeing a deer mount on the wall with sharp antlers, he uses it to fatally impale Dean. After stabbing and killing Missy and beating Jeremy to death, he drives away in Jeremy's car, but hits Georgina. Remembering his own mother's death, he carries Georgina into the car, but she is possessed by Rose's grandmother Marianne; she attacks him and he crashes, and he finds her dead from an apparent skull fracture after her head hit the car's windshield. An armed Rose apprehends him with Walter, who is possessed by Roman. Chris uses the flash on his cell phone's camera to expel Roman from Walter. Walter takes Rose's rifle and shoots her and then himself. Wounded, Rose attempts to shoot Chris; Chris begins to strangle her but stops. Rod arrives in a TSA car and rescues Chris, leaving Rose in the road.

Overall, the movie was absolutely lovely and I could totally understand the psychological stuff that went on there... well, I love psychology :) I loved how proactive his friend was, that was some true friendship right there! The genre shows it is a horror movie, tbh, I cant stand horror movies so for those who cant as well, trust me, this wasn't horror (or rather as scary as some horror movies). Anyway, if you haven't seen this 2017-still-interesting movie, you need to. It should probably be on Netflix, Gomovies and so on.


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